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2 previous miscarriages- Is this one at risk?

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2 previous miscarriages- Is this one at risk?

Unread postby HealthForum » Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:37 pm

I miscarried once at about 5 months and once at about 2 months. First time I was under extreme stress and I had fallen but not bad and I was crying when it randomly happened, second time I was moving and picked up a heavy box and tripped down the stairs I was still not 100% sure if I was pregnant and didn't think it would be dangerous but then miscarried a day later. I am currently pregnant now. I am about 3 months along and I worry about if this baby is at risk also. I have not carried a baby full term before and I am very concerned. How at risk am I?

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Re: 2 previous miscarriages- Is this one at risk?

Unread postby divyalal » Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:39 pm

After a miscarriage, making the decision to try for another pregnancy can be difficult. It is natural to want to become pregnant again right away after going through the heartache of losing a baby. However, you should wait to attempt again until you are physically, as well as emotionally ready.
There is no perfect amount of time to wait before trying to conceive again, but many healthcare providers encourage woman to wait at least a few months to strengthen the chance of a healthy pregnancy. If a woman’s body isn’t ready to support a pregnancy by the time that she conceives again, she faces an increased risk of experiencing a repeat miscarriage. It takes time for the uterus to recover and for the endometrial lining to become strong and healthy again.

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