I was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis when I just turned 21. I am 23 now. I see that normal symptoms include upper abdominal pain. My pain almost always occurs on my right side, like a big stich ,than radiates to my back. It does go away, but returns if I drink. I try to stay away from drinking as much as possible, but cant help it sometimes i.E. When im with my friends. I've never experienced vomiting, fever, or have had to been hospitalized. I did go under many tests, and my levels were pretty high. I see that people say they have episodes. My question is what constitues an episode? Like I said I feel the pain everytime I drink, but goes away in a couple of days. I really dont think I can go through life without drinking every now and than. The doctors told me not to drink at all, but have read online that its ok to consume 1 to 2 drinks. My other question is does marijuana have a known affect? I know that smoking cigarettes do, but does that include marijuana? Well, heres to everybody whos had to go through this damn disease, life aint over yall