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Welcome to the Anxiety and Stress Forum - a health community featuring member and doctor discussions ranging from a specific symptom to related conditions, treatment options, medication, side effects, diet, and emotional issues surrounding medical conditions.


Unread postby Avee » Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:09 pm

Anxiety can be a very overwhelming issue, but it is sadly underrated. A lot of people struggle with this and also panic attacks. I have had to deal with someone with serious anxiety issues and we eventually overcame. His issue was rather serious as it came up when he had any serious outing, event or interview. It was really tough on him and his family but he decided to seek help. We employed the services of a very good psychologist, she was the absolute best. She helped him get over the anxiety, a feat that other doctors couldn't achieve. She also gave advice that can be used daily by everyone. If you have to speak publicly, research your material properly and know it by heart. Try to wake up a bit earlier than you normally would so you won't have to hurry and fret. Dress up in something that is both comfortable and keeps you confident. Try to interact with your audience. Most importantly, be confident in yourself. This tip has helped a lot of people, I hope it helps someone here too.Goodluck to us all.

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Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:56 pm

Re: anxiety

Unread postby Lisa123 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:07 am

Anxiety is very common problem but it becomes very crucial problem of life when it has become so deeply out of control. It is not easy job to handle anxiety problem in easy and effective way. I also face the same problem in my life. There is no single medicine for anxiety you can easily consume and get sudden effect on your body. I also waste my life important day due to anxiety problem I research from different resources to get effective treatment to solve anxiety problem. This is golden opportunity for me to solve your doubt in easy and effective way on behalf of my own experience to handle anxiety problem.
We consult many experts in Ukraine capital Kiev but all is vein. We research the best valuable treatment of anxiety is meditation. This is a Medical Research report that meditation can reduce anxiety problem definitely in short time period. You can see sudden effect on your physical and mental level.
The next method is positive attitude toward life. It is very important to have positive thinking. You can not underestimate the power of positive thinking there are various research available on Internet that simply reflect the effect of positive thinking on different type of problem enjoy. It is no longer remaining positive thinking work effectively. Anxiety creates dying situation everyday for you. You can easily defeat Anxiety problem permanently with using these effective methods. You need not to pay single money to cure anxiety problem. It is only you are strong will to cure this is incurable anxiety problem in permanently. I hope you follow all method very strictly and get good news within one and two months.

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Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:02 am

Tackle Anxiety

Unread postby divyalal » Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:19 pm

1. Repeat your worry until you’re bored silly. If you had a fear of elevators, you’d get rid of it if you rode in one a thousand times in a row. At first, you would be very anxious, then less so, and eventually it would have no effect (except to make you sick of riding in an elevator). So take the troublesome thought that’s nagging at you and say it over and over, silently, slowly, for 20 minutes. It’s hard to keep your mind on a worry if you repeat it that many times. I call this the “boredom cure” for obvious reasons, but it sure beats feeling overwhelmed by anxiety.

2. Make it worse. When you try too hard to control your anxieties, you only heighten them. Instead, exaggerate them and see what happens. For instance, if you fear that your mind will go blank during a presentation, fake it intentionally in the middle of your next one. Say, “Gee, what was I just saying?” Notice how this makes no difference. It’s nothing to worry about, right? I did this at a lecture once and no one raised an eyebrow. (Perhaps they weren’t listening anyway!)

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Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2017 1:00 pm

Re: anxiety

Unread postby dazzyshahu » Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:00 am

Anxiety is very common problem in this modern digital world. I also face this horrible problem in my life. I also try many effective methods but not succeed. We consult with expert to get overcome this terrible problem that ruins my life day by day. It is good news that you can easily overcome anxiety problem in your life with proper understanding and console yourself in professional way to provide sufficient solution of your problem. It is very important to understand your problem in professional way with making appropriate planning to manage this difficult situation with powerful yoga and meditation to get full relaxation on your whole body. You have to stop over thinking and negative thinking in your life to get sudden magic effect on your body and mind. I want to express kind heart thanks to God to provide this unforgettable moment in my life.

Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:23 am

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