My 8 year old son was diagnosed with mild CP two years ago after I was pressured by his school to get an ADHD diagnosis. When I went into labor, we were under the impression that I was 1 day shy of my 38 weeks. I find out after delivery that I was actually 34 weeks pregnant and oops! we all messed up Sad Every time I would have a contraction Jaden's heart rate would drop, so they broke my water to put in internal monitoring wires. They then found meconium and I was whisked into OR for an emergency c-section. Jaden was born weighing in a 4 lbs.
I was unable to see Jaden for nearly eight hours because they had him in the nursery under an oxygen "bowl". My mother overheard the nurses saying how good he was doing considering they did CPR for one minute. No nurse nor his doctor informed me of this fact.
Now fast forward 6 years later. I find out I am pregnant with my daughter and specifically say I want to know what the complications were to my first pregnancy. I find out that I had a placental blood clot, an uteuran infection, and his umbilical cord was thin. Stressful!
Now I am dealing with a child who is displaying some symptoms of ADHD. So my question is: Are there some symptoms that can be interchangable between ADHD and CP. Is this common in children with CP and are there other learning disabilities that I should be aware of?