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Chronic Nightmares.. Please Help!

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Chronic Nightmares.. Please Help!

Unread postby HealthForum » Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:23 pm

I am a sufferer of nightmares. Sure, this doesn't seem like a biggie -- who doesn't? But I suffer from them about 5 out of the 7 nights in a week, and I have been for I would say over 8 years. Sometimes they are gruesome; filled with blood and gore, sometimes I can't move and am being chased with knives and weapons; sometimes I wake up and can still see the bloodied hollowed eyes of these "death" people that try and harm me.

Sometimes they don't affect me at all and I just wake up and go on with my day.

I have read a theory that nightmares are the body's way of creating survival methods.. Am I lacking some sort of survival need?

I'm at a loss of what to do. My boyfriend keeps telling me to see a doctor.. But what is a doctor going to do? Tell me to pick apart my daily life? I could drink a glass of water and probably have a nightmare! Does anyone else suffer from them severely? Suggestions? Stories?

I would really love some feedback..

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