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E Cigarettes

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E Cigarettes

Unread postby jeanrose770 » Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:29 pm

Hello Everyone~

I have been a smoker for years and have recently decided to start using E Cigarettes to quit.
I have had mixed opinions of this, and was wondering if anyone else "vapes"? Any info and opinions are very appreciated!

Posts: 41
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:13 pm

Re: E Cigarettes

Unread postby julieloran » Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:02 am

If u are a big smoker, yes, e-cigs can help you to quit but you shoudnt over use it. If you are more like a social smoker then I would recommend e-cigs because it not about smoking then, get some gum instead.
For some reasons I have sceptical view on vapes, it's kinda chemical, and again if you more like a social smoker, consider better option to quit, its not that hard if you actually really want it.

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Re: E Cigarettes

Unread postby Lookatmenow » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:27 am

Hello dear friend. I hope your doing fine. i hope you quit as soon as possible. Cigarettes can, and will suck the life out of you! However I don't think ecigarette is the way to go. Honestly I have seen it fail many times. A lot of people end up switching to e cigarettes for a while, then they go back to smoking like they used to. I think the best things right now is to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. Fro example if you smoke 1 pack, try reaching half a pack... Then even less... After you reach a very low number, start using gum! There are gums filled with nicotine! You probably know them. Eventually you'll stop eating the gum too. I hope this helped you. It worked for my cousin.

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Re: E Cigarettes

Unread postby michael24x » Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:04 am

I completely agree with E Cigarette. This is really an amazing way to quit smoking. E Cig is also not harmful to the body as it has minor toxic elements. You can also adjust it according to your choice. E Cig comes in various flavors that help in improving taste bud and sense of smell. So you are a chain smoker and want to quit smoking then start using e cig now!

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