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Enlarged spleen treatment

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Enlarged spleen treatment

Unread postby HealthForum » Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:08 pm

My problems started in October of '07 when my Ferritin level dropped to -3, the rest of the blood work was normal. I went to an Infectious Disease Doctor and she ran tests and started me on iron injections (very painful) did this till March when we learned it was not helping. She sent me to a Hematologist and he did a battery of blood work and he just found the low Ferritin Levels and through a full body CT Scan that my Spleen was enlarged. He wasn't sure what to do about the spleen, didn't think it was related to the Ferritin Level, so go back to the Infectious Disease and she is completely baffled, ran more blood test, that one came up that I was positive for Mono, but was dormant and that couldn't be the problem for my spleen being enlarged. In August, she sent me to an Internalist and he could not determine either why the spleen was in enlarged. So a year and half later, been through 3 specialist, my spleen is still enlarged and no one has any answers. I continue to have a low grade fever, muscle spasms, insomnia, and no energy. Can some please give me an idea of where to go to find out some answers??

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