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Giant Penis Or Tiny Penis?

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Giant Penis Or Tiny Penis?

Unread postby HealthForum » Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:37 pm

Okay, if the guys can get away with callous shallow questions, so can we.

Average is 5-6 inches.

Do you prefer something larger than that, or something smaller than that?
What has been the average size of the men you've been with?
What size did you prefer, and why?

Answer any or all.

For me personally, I've only met one penis, and it was average to my knowledge. I never grabbed a ruler, but it was good-sized. It also had good girth. I personally would not want a penis much larger than that one. It was average, and average was just right!

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Re: Giant Penis Or Tiny Penis?

Unread postby mack551 » Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:53 pm

well my penis size is around 6 and my girl is fully satisfied with it :)

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Re: Giant Penis Or Tiny Penis?

Unread postby axell » Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:29 am

Is my penis too small? That's a question that men aren't likely to ask their friends or sex partners. I think fathers often will ask it about their sons -- and, while in the office, will ask about themselves. Wow, but men worried about their penis size usually have some other excuse for seeing. So, where is the answer? Probably in your head?
Of course. It all begins with self-esteem. And only after the moment of the vision of the situation comes, otherwise.
In a greater degree, everything depends on perception. After all, a small penis is not a hindrance. Giant in the pants !! And ding ding ding.
I am happy for all those who spend more attention on solving the problem.
Wish you the best!

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Joined: Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:06 pm

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