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HPV disclosure

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HPV disclosure

Unread postby HealthForum » Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:31 am

Hi everybody. I recently found out that I have contracted HPV from my previous sexual partner. I feel like my life is over, I'm a young 22 year old woman and feel like a huge chunk has been just taken out of my life span. I can't seem to stop crying from this. I lost my virginity about 8 months ago, and just a few months ago noticed some warts or something down near my vaginal area. I seen a nurse and said she definitely thinks I have HPV. Now she told me to go see a doctor just to be sure, I'm still going to, but I can tell just from the reasearch and website's I have been visiting that HPV is infact what it is. The worst part of this whole situation is that my ex has HPV either does not know it and god forbid he is giving it to another woman as I speak, or he knows he has it and just did not tell me. The nurse told me that there was nothing that I could have done about it as approx 70% of the population is walking around with HPV, and they do not know it! That really blew my mind. She told me I have to basically assume every male I encounter has it, and how would he know he does? Not all strains are symptomatic, most are asymptomatic that is why I contracted it. There is no actual test for HPV, and the vaccine is wayyyyyyyyyyyy to expensive for me to get, so I mean. It seems you just can't win either way. I feel like a disease walking around though, I lose my viriginty and contract HPV, I'm still in shock. I wonder does anybody have any advice for me? I doubt i'm going to have sex again, or I have to find somebody that already has HPV. I mean how awkward is the rest of my life going to be. The only person who knows what's going on is my sister, and she is mad, she wants to kill my ex (not literally of course) but I mean, I could never tell any of my friends, they would look at me so differently. How do I proceed with the rest of my relationships I will be having in the near future? When do I tell them I have HPV? Any advice would help greatly, thanks everyone SadSad

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