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I don't know if I really am gay or just acting out?...

GLBT Relationships Forum
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I don't know if I really am gay or just acting out?...

Unread postby HealthForum » Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:07 pm

I have thought I was gay for 6 years now, but now I'm not sure. I'm a 22 yr old male, I've been open about my sexuality ever since I thought I found out.

So my main problem is I'm not sure if I was to hasty in classifying myself.

I "came out" before I had any real experience w/ a guy, or a girl for that matter. I am now wondering at this point in my life if I truthfully made the right decision? I wonder if have sex w/ guys now because It's what I am used to? or If it's because I have settled for something I can obtain?

I'm really am depressed about this.. and I don't even know why... I think I like both Male and Female. But I don't know? How can I know for sure?

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