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Low blood pressure while exercising

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Low blood pressure while exercising

Unread postby HealthForum » Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:50 am

I am 33 years old and have had strange symptoms, mainly headaches, dizziness and fatigue, I just got all my blood tests back and my blood work looks normal.

I was getting an orientation at the YMCA on the circuit. I was only at the 2nd machine when suddenly I felt dizzy. This happens all the time lately, especially if I do more than a lazy workout (lately I can only walk on the treadmill at a slow pace). I guess my face turned extremely red. The personal trainer took my blood pressure. My blood pressure was 95/74 (I accidently posted 85 instead in another section) and the heart rate was 71. She took it again five minutes later and it was 111/83 and heart rate was 79. She stated that I couldn't work out at the Y until I got a doctor's clearance. I guess this shows I could possibly have a heart condition. Even when I walk on the treadmill, I get slightly dizzy and feel like I am going to fall asleep.

My resting heart rate used to be at 90, which was pretty high but was normal for me. It is just strange that with exercise, my pulse and blood pressure went down. Anyone hear of such a thing? Very very strange.

Anyone else experience this? It's just strange that my resting blood pressure is normal and my heart rate is higher when I am resting as opposed to working out.

I just went to the doctor's today and the resting EKG was normal, which doesn't surprise me. He was concerned about my valves. My mom has valve problems (forgot the official name). I will be getting an stress-EKG at a cardiologist in the next few days. In the meantime, I can't exercise or do anything strenuous.

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Re: Low blood pressure while exercising

Unread postby davilgill » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:01 am

Exercise is good for the health as well as for the fitness of a person. Exercise sometime lead to lower blood pressure which is not at good condition to do exercise. It that case it is necessary for a person to have the food rich in energy and avoid exercising for sometime till to get better and a normal blood pressure.

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Re: Low blood pressure while exercising

Unread postby smethjain » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:33 am

Exercise is good for our health. It is give the many benefits in our health. Exercise is best for the low blood pressure Patient. It helpful to reach the normal level in blood pressure.

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Re: Low blood pressure while exercising

Unread postby willaimsjohn » Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:59 am

Exercise is good for the health and for the fitness of the body. Exercise lead to weight loss, healthy heart, good posture, strong bones and many more. Low pressure while exercising is not at all good for the health and for the fitness in that case it is necessary for a person not to do exercise any more.

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Re: Low blood pressure while exercising

Unread postby forumhealth » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:46 pm

I think its good that you are doing physical excersises when having issues with blood presure. But when there is time you got low blood presure, i would be carefull doing some intensive excercises at the time pressure is very low.

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Re: Low blood pressure while exercising

Unread postby JackLumic » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:48 am

Work out is good for our wellness. It is give the many advantages in our wellness. Work out is best for the low hypertension Individual. It employed to arrive at the regular level in hypertension.

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