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Lupus Symptoms With Negative Blood Work

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Lupus Symptoms With Negative Blood Work

Unread postby HealthForum » Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:53 am

I saw a rheumatologist 3 months ago and discussed my symptoms with him and he told me that I had lupus. He did a full blood panel and then did a blood test for lupus. It took about a month for him to get me the results. When I saw him again he said that the blood test was negative for lupus yet my symptoms are getting worse. I break out into a horrible rash at least 4 times a week even though I am on Plaquenil and prednisone. The rash makes me look like a giant raspberry and is extremely itchy. I saw my rheumatologist last week and he told me that he thinks that it might be fibromyalgia though that doesn't make any sense to me. I am extremely sensitive to light. I was outside the other day for about ten minutes and had to go inside because I got an excruciating migraine, nausea, and broke out into a rash. I just don't know what to do, think, or who to see now. Is it possible to have lupus though the blood test is negative? If not, does anybody know what could be going on with me?

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