Well honey we are dealing with the same hell... My husband is infertile too. He has low sperm count. We have been TTC for so long, I cannot remember correctly. I hope things get better for you though. It has to be hard I get it... I think that the hardness your going through, shall be your biggest motivation. Listen to my advice and start living healthy. You need to eat healthy, work out and find a cure.
Eating healthy can be challenging I know. Finding a suitable diet however it ain't! You can find online dietitians that give great tips. The same applies for working out. There are countless videos and blogs and what not. They actually help and are effective. As per curing. I would suggest that you cure if with IVF. Usually when the issue cannot be diagnosed, it cannot be cured either. I hope you opt for IVF. I did that, 2 times. It was all worth. I did my IVF at BioTexCOM, if that is necessary for you. Wish you all the best honey.