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Paranoia about dying

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Paranoia about dying

Unread postby HealthForum » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:28 pm

hi i am 20 yrs old an basically i wanna hear from a few pple who suffer frm anxiety/hypochondria to see if this is really how ur meant to feel or if there is something actually seriously wrong with me! i have seriously bad paranoia about dying and i always think each day is my last a while ago i was convinced i had a brain tumour the docters say no then i thought i had a heart condition an still actually do the docters say no i have been a&e so many times its ridiculous i used to have panic attacks bt i havent had a full blown one for over a year instead i am faced with this crippling fear every day everytime something is wrong with me or i get a bit sick im on the internet looking up the symtoms then crying cos u read abt serious stuff i get all kinds of physical things like chest pains palpations pain in my shoulder blades and back headaches shooting pains in head funny vision pains down my arms pins and needles theres loads more. Sometimes i have a period ov a few weeks an im ok then bang it comes bk again usually when i have read an article in a mag or seen something on telly bout someone being ill or something strange sometimes my head doesnt feel right like im not with it an im in this bubble an everyone is moving quickly around me sometimes i hear like buzzing in my ears. My moods flip 1 minute im ok the next i feel so depressed or sometimes i get soo worked up cos i think im going to die of some mysterious illness i just cry and cry i have been the docters over 20 times the past 6 months i have been a&e several times and no1 ever finds anything wrong i just want to be normal bt i cnt sleep very well or some nites im scared to sleep incase i dont wake up..does anyone else feel like this

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Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:09 pm

Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby jaspertailor » Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:01 am

First you have to think positively and don't bother so much about your disease and health problems. Always remember there is a god and at the end he will do every thing right. Just live in present and don't worry about what will happen in future.

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby bellaingle » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:46 pm

I was convinced i had a brain tumour the docters say no then i thought i had a heart condition an still actually do the docters say no i have been a&e so many times its ridiculous i used to have panic attacks.

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby Jenie » Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:45 am

Forget about future and live in present. Everything will going to be alright.

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby jeanrose770 » Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:43 pm

Everybody has some health issues man, but I think you are just freaking yourself out. I understand that it is easy to get worked out, and googling symptoms is the best way to convince yourself that you have AIDS and are going to die. Just take a step back,drink a glass of water and chill da F*** out! You are all good. Life is to be lived!!!

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby axery » Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:13 am

i guess you just need to calm down everytime you experience this, life is so good, live it :)

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby edcarp » Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:52 am

Just calm down and think positive always listen to what doctor's say. and do things that makes you busy or things that makes you happy. :)

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby Taajsgpm » Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:48 pm

jaspertailor wrote:First you have to think positively and don't bother so much about your disease and health problems. Always remember there is a god and at the end he will do every thing right. Just live in present and don't worry about what will happen in future.

One day at a time my friend get into a group it works wonders

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby dazzyshahu » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:18 am

Sorry to disturb the post but I would like t know if my mental condition is not normal then what will be an effect on my baby if I am pregnant? If i am mentally not fit then is there any treatment given to a pregnant lady to remove the effetts on upcoming baby?

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Re: Paranoia about dying

Unread postby Shree1990 » Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:17 pm

I used to convince myself of cancer as well. When I was 19 I believe I had started to believe that I had breast cancer, I found a lump in my armpit and couldn't think anything else except cancer. I cried almost every night because I knew end was near. I didn't tell anyone about it for six months but constantly had that circling my mind. I knew too little about cancer but I knew that you start to feel weak. So I even felt weak. One day I confided in my best friend and she asked me to come to the doctor. I resisted because I didn't want the world to know that I am dying, but she took me anyway. I realised I had folliculitis. That was the bump. I am 27 years old and I have my breasts safe and sound. It is mostly just our own limited imagination.

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Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:03 am

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