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Responsible Factors that Causing heart diseases

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Responsible Factors that Causing heart diseases

Unread postby jimmymaxewell » Mon May 05, 2014 11:10 am

The ratio of premature death is increased day by day due the different heart diseases. In the entire world, millions of peoples are dealing with the heart diseases due to the various factors. The inadequate supply of blood and oxygen is mainly occurred due to the blockage of coronary arteries that leads to heart attack.
Here are the most responsible factors that are contributing heart diseases in the middle age of life.

High level of bad cholesterol

Type 2 diabetes

Uncontrolled blood supply

Smoking addiction

Extreme stress

High Level of bad cholesterol in the body stored in to the arteries that can block the arteries which leads to heart attack. This condition is medically known as Hardening of arteries, which mostly contribute the heart attack. The risks of heart diseases are always higher if a patient is already dealing with type-2 diabetes.
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Re: Responsible Factors that Causing heart diseases

Unread postby completehealthnews » Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:36 am

Heart defects you're born with (congenital heart defects),Coronary artery disease,High blood pressure,
Diabetes,Smoking,Excessive use of alcohol or caffeine,Drug abuse,Stress these are the common factor for heart attacks.

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Re: Responsible Factors that Causing heart diseases

Unread postby Asleystewart » Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:29 am

High blood pressure, stress and smoking are the main factors that causing heart diseases.

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Re: Responsible Factors that Causing heart diseases

Unread postby DrewBlack » Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:56 am

Asleystewart wrote:High blood pressure, stress and smoking are the main factors that causing heart diseases.

yep, smoking plays a vital role on heart disease.

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Re: Responsible Factors that Causing heart diseases

Unread postby jeanrose770 » Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:11 pm

I understand that certain things can run in the family. But for the most part, and even generational conditions, DIET is the best thing that you can do for your body. With healthy and fresh eating habits your body will naturally have vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants and all of your immunities will by skyrocketing strong!
The main cause in heart disease is eating bad food and having bad habits, If you take care of yourself you are far more healthy and consequently enough life a much longer and better quality of life!
p.s. wine is good for you :)

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Re: Responsible Factors that Causing heart diseases

Unread postby Taajsgpm » Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:24 pm

DrewBlack wrote:
Asleystewart wrote:High blood pressure, stress and smoking are the main factors that causing heart diseases.

yep, smoking plays a vital role on heart disease.

Heart disease kills more people than cancer and the number one cause is smoking , smoking KILLZ plain and simple

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