What are some helpful ways to stop smoking so much when I am stressed and anxious? Any suggestions please!
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Taajsgpm wrote:Stress always go t me back on the butts. I finally stopped when I took up vaping, its is so much better, cleaner I feel healthy my lung function is back , its amazing I love my estick and havent had the desire to smoke since . Its been 7 months or so you can learn about it here estick.com . there are many brands and companies find one that suits you and never ever smoke again, when you get stressed vape, its not just as good its better , you will love it good luck
jeanrose770 wrote:Thank you for your advice!!! I ended up purchasing an Estick! I have been Vaping for about 2 months now!! Happy to say I haven't had a smoke since the end of October, close to one month! Anytime I start to get anxious and crave a cig, I just pull out my Estick, have a few delicious puffs and I am golden!
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