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Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

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Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby HealthForum » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:51 pm

I have a lot of trouble concentrating in school, but I get good grades. I have trouble reading books without randomly daydreaming. These are severe by the way. Also I need to be on a set schedule, ex. if my mom randomly needs to go to a store and she wants me to come I get mad because she needs to tell me in advance. I have trouble doing work around the house to help my dad because he needs to tell me the specific time and the exact tools to use and how to use them (although this might be OCD). Also I have a hard time sitting or standing still for over 30 minutes. But the first 2 are the most severe. I want to confirm once and for all if I have any case of ADD or ADHD. Please help.

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby Arrowhead32 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:39 pm

With the first two cases, I would say it's above normal behavior, but not to the extent that it could be diagnosed as ADD. Many people daydream off the drop of a hat in many situations, but the fact that you are getting good grades while having trouble concentrating is normal. A friend of mine in high school who was diagnosed with ADHD had trouble concentrating to the point where he couldn't focus on exams and was given permission to have personalized, more private testing areas with more allotted time to complete it. He would also wander off in conversations frequently. If your concentration lapses worsen, then you might consider seeking a second opinion, but as it's not affecting your grades or social situations, I would say it's normal.

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby killerseams » Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:48 am

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most well-recognized childhood developmental problems,
This condition is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness,
It is now known that these symptoms continue into adulthood for about 60% of children with ADHD,
That translates into 4% of the US adult population, or 8 million adults.

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby Audrey » Fri May 11, 2012 11:21 am

How much hours you sleep in a day?

ADD does not happen to each and everyone, it is a condition when even for a moment the person is not able to concentrate on things.

May be your sleep can be one factor for trouble in concentration power.

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby HealthForum » Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:44 am

Hi, when You write your story there, it means that it is issue, so i think you should find appropriate professional to help you identiffy what it is and how this issue can be fixed. I would not take any medication when not forced by doctor. Try it nature way.

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby Jenie » Fri Jul 19, 2013 11:03 am

Maximum 8 hrs we need to sleep. Not more than. But if you are feeling more sleepy then please contact your doctor. He or she will guide you better. :drunk

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby Jenie » Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:38 am

Thanks a lot for sharing such an informative information with us. :D

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby jeanrose770 » Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:51 pm

Lol, I just suggested this in the last post I replied to as well.
Look into the use of medicinal marijuana. Not necessarily smoking it, but maybe just the oil. With just a small amount in can "put you in the zone" of concentrating completely on what you are doing, as well as taking any nervous edge off. Research it first. of course. Ask your Doctor as well. It could totally help!

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Re: Trouble concentrating - ADD / ADHD ?

Unread postby Taajsgpm » Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:00 pm

i ve used ritalin and adderroll both work but are not long term remedies you need counselling as well to leanr to change habits that is the key

Posts: 39
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